We arrived on Murray island and had a tour around and about the Island. The Island is a lot bigger than what we had thought. After looking around the island we were back at the Health Clinic.
Nearly all of the residence are located on the East side of the Island, therefore missing most of the windy weather. There is one street which has the residence houses, a small Ibis shop, and of course the clinic. Our house is located directly behind the clinic. We live in the top story which is very secure, security gate an guard on the stairwell and all windows etc have security screens. The bottom unit is for visiting doctors and other health workers.
The beaches surrounding are very nice and the sunsets are beautiful. Shells lining the beach are in abundance.
Swimming is an option, however the sharks are plenty of sharks which cruise backwards and forwards only about 1 metre, 2 metres of shore literally. I was standing just in the water to get this shot where this rather large shark was only 2 metres away from my feet.
The kids still go swimming as long as someone keeps watch when the sharks are coming.
We attended a celebration evening where there was plenty of dance, song, and food. This was to celebrate the coming together of the two smaller islands just to the west of Murray. All of the tribes/families come together for song and dance and there is so much food, scones, chicken, vegetables, rice and of course turtle. Celebration starts about 1000 and goes until midnight with children dancing girls then boys, women dancing, then men dancing. As different people dance they are doused in talcum powder and sprayed with perfume, this is a sign of appreciation and to let them know they are performing good dancing. This applies to eveyone. I took some video footage although it doesnt come out on this site.
Guy attended a council meeting recently for the youth of the Island. There was also other people/speakers who came from Murray island initially but now live in Townsville or Cairns who have good employment who came to speak to the gathering about getting off the island in order to achieve good jobs, earn money, see how other people live, work etc. There was also the opportunity for health promotion for us (which is our next task) getting people involved in health lifestyle, decrease alcohol, exercise, walking groups, diet education and diabetes education. We will see what comes about after next weeks meeting.